Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für chore im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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chore [tʃɔ:ɐ, Am tʃɔ:r] SUBST

2. chore (tedious task):


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Productivity can include, but is not limited to, school, work, household chores and contributing to the community.
It was designed for industrial and light switching duties, often replacing steam locomotives that had previously been assigned these chores.
Domestic staff are also shown going about their daily chores.
Typically, work is divided along traditional gender lines, with men performing farm/manual labor and women doing domestic chores.
Her leisure time is divided between family, friends and daily chores.
Activities like farming and sewing provided occupational therapy and useful goods, but patients complained that they felt like chores.
From age 10 one of his chores was to gather seacoal from the beach with his father during the hard winter months.
Most recreational activities are geared toward men and boys, with women expected to be helping out with household chores during their free time.
Gardening was another one of the major chores of frontier women, because the families relied on these gardens to get them through the winter.
Students can not be paid for their service and the work they do must be outside their normal household chores.

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