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Übersetzungen für cognoscenti im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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cognoscenti [ˌkɒnjəʊʃenti, Am ˌkɑ:gnəˈʃenti] SUBST pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Now, as we approach the finale of semester one, the committee is able to fully commit themselves to their roles as the town's vino cognoscenti.
Word of their experiments spread among the coffee cognoscenti, and more people followed their lead.
Cricket's cognoscenti talked and wrote about him in the context of innovative in-swing, says one account.
Stories of the restored bathroom filtered out amongst the cognoscenti, but only the rarest visitor was permitted a viewing.
It's an attractive myth that krautrock was an obscure, hermetically-sealed phenomena at the time, only rediscovered by crate-digging cognoscenti two decades on.
Back in 1990, the economic cognoscenti almost all believed it would end in tears.
Commercially not all that successful, he remained a darling of the cognoscenti who admired his musicianship as well as superb command of his instrument.
The red carpet footage of gorgeous women in gorgeous jewels brings the cognoscenti, not just of the film world but of the criminal world too.
His unique blend of wit and wisdom not only pleased the cognoscenti but also won over ordinary people who had no idea that classical music could be fun.
None of the so-called cognoscenti.

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