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Übersetzungen für cohabitant im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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cohabitant [kəʊˈhæbɪtænt, Am koʊ-] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The impact of the dermatological conditions on patients' cohabitants has been largely ignored.
It has also campaigned on issues such as legal aid -- for family and care work -- domestic violence, no fault divorce, rights for cohabitants and court closures.
He has two sons, a cohabitant and two stepdaughters.
Spouses, partners and cohabitants (those who feel up to it) are invited to join what promises to be a great evening.
However, cohabitants can opt out of the redress scheme by agreement of both parties.
A qualified cohabitant may apply to court for a range of orders, including maintenance, property or pension adjustment orders and provision from the estate of a deceased cohabitant.
So without legislation or an active judiciary, how do unmarried cohabitants protect their rights?
Restraining orders were originally intended to protect cohabitants against physical attack, but in many states, they've moved beyond that purpose.
Infrared cameras reveal the activities of the bats and their unusual cohabitants, a troop of baboons.
They can be maintainted in community aquariums, but quieter cohabitants are preferred so that these fish are not scared into hiding.

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