Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für dependable im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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dependable [dɪˈpendəbl] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As the day progresses, they strive harder and work energetically to become the dependable shoulders on whom the country shall rest in the future.
He's nice, dependable, loves beer as much as the next guy.
He is a good judge of character and a no-nonsense, dependable animal with a dry sense of humor.
Bonds that had paid a dependable income since 1515 suddenly lost their value.
Despite these tendencies, she is probably the most overall well-adjusted, level-headed, and dependable of the major characters.
They tied plantation areas to the nearest river or seaport and so made supply more dependable, lowered costs and increased profits.
He was never a star, but he quickly established himself as one of the most dependable and versatile character actors.
Although the system was less than dependable, it was far better than kinescopes' which aired as many as three weeks after the original air date.
He is calm and dependable, but he is also reticent, and has a difficult time expressing his emotions.
His record is best served by his solid and dependable freight and mixed-traffic locomotives built under and for wartime conditions.

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