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Übersetzungen für earthly im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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I . earthly [ˈɜ:θlɪ, Am ˈɜ:rθ-] ADJ

1. earthly (concerning life on earth):


II . earthly [ˈɜ:θlɪ, Am ˈɜ:rθ-] SUBST Brit ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Dragon's earthly parents later adopt the idiot and treat him like an infant son.
The sudsy vagabond was accompanied by other homeless men pushing shopping carts laden with their earthly possessions, or enjoying a catnap on a bench alongside a woman enjoying her breakfast.
He was more interested in her earthly and racy conversations than her singing.
However, the spell backfired, trapping the guests as spirits in the earthly realm inside the hotel.
Math once meant magic and is still important in occultism., especially topics farther beyond the earthly.
Up until the mid-20th century they invariably burned the deceased and all his or her earthly belongings, including the dwelling place, all which was considered spiritually impure.
In the end, however, her power as a clothes horse par excellence is only added to by the humanity of any more earthly flaws.
A reformatory purpose seems commonly implicit in accounts, though not necessarily for earthly purpose, since return from a near-death experience may reportedly entail individual choice.
At the ringing of the curfew, and no earthly help is nigh.
The seven deadly sins are about earthly self-indulgence and narcissism.

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