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Übersetzungen für expect im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She didn't expect it to be real chamois leather -- and it isn't.
However, with limited supply in core business areas, we still expect their vacancy rates to remain low and their rents to rise by 5% this year.
Port 0 is reserved, but is a permissible source port value if the sending process does not expect messages in response.
If nothing else, that reply gives a good idea of the brush-off householders can expect to receive if they complain when the tariff rates they were promised are cut.
There are currently no patterns to suggest we can expect a trend reversal in the short term.
If your potential franchiser is actually mobilized to begin franchising, you should expect a highly professional team of individuals that tirelessly works to implement and constantly improve their system.
And, of course, as with any system, it's constantly evolving through flight tests and intercept tests, and we expect the program and the system to continue to evolve over time.
According to the weather bureau, the public can expect rough to very rough seas over the areas included in the gale warning.
But if people's careers can depend on certain statistics, and those statistics can be jiggered, expect somebody to jigger them.
Expect next level imagery, sonics and stage performance.

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