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Übersetzungen für expecting im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für expecting

to be expecting a baby

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Ban was unemployed for the only time in his career and was expecting to receive an assignment to work in a remote and unimportant embassy.
He held his breath while everyone made their way safely around him, and then, expecting a push-start, instead was removed from the circuit by tow truck!
They were also expecting a game show like this.
The news was hardly reassuring as the besieged had been expecting an earlier rescue.
Expecting to find a small fish population, the researchers caught twenty fish in one catch, increasing previous estimates of the loch's fish population about ninefold.
I rocked up to this eternally burning hillside, expecting some sort of entrance fee, interpretative billboards, eternally burning hill snow cones, or some such.
If that leaves you expecting the headphone equivalent of a Zimmer frame, think again.
Do most moms only first begin to read up on parenting and pregnancy once they're officially expecting?
She confronts the milkman, who reveals that he was actually expecting her.
What we do know is the budget last week did not give the government campaign the lift-off it was expecting.

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