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Übersetzungen für fanfare im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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fanfare [ˈfænfeəɐ, Am -fer] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The record was recorded in the later 1990s but sat unreleased until summer of 2000, when it was ultimately released to little fanfare.
The park opened to considerable fanfare but it was never profitable.
This exchange is heard twice and then followed by an extended series of fanfares.
The end credits were updated to use this version of the theme, now featuring the main melody repeated twice, in place of the fanfare.
The opening guitar riff is resemblant of a fanfare, lasts for the first minute of the song.
A fanfare motive in offstage trumpets, repeated onstage, is then heard.
This varies in theme from year to year, but is a standing tradition and alternative to normal trick-or-treating fanfare.
Suddenly a fanfare sounds and the terrified citizens flee to their homes and lock themselves in.
The end credits featured only a short arrangement with introductory fanfare and the final notes of the main theme.
However, its propulsive rhythms and sheer energy qualify it as a fanfare.

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