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Übersetzungen für fanlight im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It features brick arches and a semi-circular fanlight.
Five of the six arched bays on the east side are used for fire engine garages, their double doors topped with radiating-sash fanlights.
The entrances are slightly recessed in an opening with a fanlight top.
The front facade features a semicircular fanlight over the main entrance and there is a two-story porch on the rear wing.
The front entry is flanked by sidelight windows and pilasters, above which are a fanlight and a gable.
The main entrance features double doors with sidelights and a fanlight above, which are also twentieth century alterations.
The north porch contains a panelled double door to the outer doorway with a leaded fanlight above.
The windows are all casements and are set below semicircular fanlights in ornately moulded round-headed surrounds.
The entrance is on the south side and contains a doorcase above which is a fanlight.
A circular carriage drive (originally gravel, now concrete) leads to the front door, which also has a fanlight.

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