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Übersetzungen für flower pot im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Where if it's green, it's either in a big flower pot or made out of baize.
And no more leaving keys for others under the welcome mat or a flower pot.
It had flower pot fret markers and an ornate headstock.
One of my neighbors made this dessert in a traditional flower pot for a centerpiece at her dinner party.
The solution was right on his porch: an old ashtray, that had over the years become a flower pot.
Each flower pot is wired with sensors, a processor and software that checks on the plant and provides it with fertilizer and water as needed.
At the same time it looks clumsy and too cozy with a flower pot full of geraniums.
They were flower pot manufacturers.
It resembles a large flower pot, with a steel cooking surface which can also receive a pot.
This would allow the gnome to teleport back to his previous position after moving a flower pot.

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