Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für heard im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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heard [hɜ:d, Am hɜ:rd] VERB

heard Past, pp of hear

Siehe auch: hear

I . hear <heard, heard> [hɪəɐ, Am hɪr] VERB trans

2. hear (be told):

to hear that

II . hear <heard, heard> [hɪəɐ, Am hɪr] VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The janitor claimed he had then heard a detective shouting police, police.
The is about empowering people to have a voice so their perspective can be heard and to support dialogue between agencies and communities.
They do not clarify whether others saw and heard these things.
Some had heard of human remains found scattered by dingoes.
After making a minor adjustment to the device, he opened a stopcock leading into one of the cylinders and the witnesses heard a hiss as of escaping air.
The fire of his carbine could be heard and in a few minutes he reappeared driving 30 prisoners before him.
New songs can be heard when selecting a stage.
I found some other sounds and then heard some sax in there and used that.
I heard he wrestles a boa constrictor.
The song is often heard sung by students and alumni when the home team scores a point, goal, touchdown, etc. and at other school events.

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