Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für henhouse im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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hencoop [ˈhenku:p], henhouse [ˈhenhaʊs] SUBST

2. hencoop:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Besides his 22x40-foot residence, he now built two barns, a mill, bakery, dairy, workshop, henhouse, and smokehouse.
By appointing none other than the fox himself to guard the henhouse.
Eyewitnesses said that some trees were broken and henhouses destroyed.
To me it is like putting a wolf in a henhouse to watch the hens.
Topping said he gathered eggs every morning from the henhouse, which produced nearly 50 dozen eggs a day for the prison and other institutions.
What else can be expected when you ask the fox how to repair the henhouse?
Moreover, what we have is the fox guarding the henhouse.
The fox is left to guard the henhouse and the government is willing to turn a blind eye.
It was scoffed by some as building airplanes by the side of henhouse.
They had to be in proportion to the importance of the property, placed in a floor above a henhouse, a kennel, a bread oven, even a wine cellar.

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