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Übersetzungen für lash out im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Even when injustices are committed against a minority group by the majority group, minorities sometimes lash out against a different minority group in lieu of confronting the more powerful majority.
When you feel like your identity, or your life projects, are under attack, it's easy lash out disproportionately.
Even if prone, she can lash out with a vicious kick and spring to her feet in a flash.
This immaturity certainly causes some teenagers to become social outcasts in their respective social groups, causing them to lash out in angry and potentially violent ways.
The girl turns around, ready to lash out, but when she sees who it is, she immediately apologizes, and returns to her seat.
It's clear, you know, they had some real malicious intent to lash out at a boy in blue, you know, is one of our officers.
However, her tentacles could lash out from the shield at any time during its use.
Loved ones sought to rely on in a crisis instead lash out, buckle or commit outright betrayal.
Attacks are occasionally provoked, as tigers lash out after being injured while they themselves are hunted.
If a child does not learn how to handle fear or distress the child will be more likely to lash out at other children.

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