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Übersetzungen für nightfall im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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nightfall [ˈnaɪtfɔ:l] SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Nightfall, however, saw their efforts unavailing and the work was pursued throughout the night with officers of the signal corps aviation school assisting in directing the work.
By nightfall the community will number one person fewer.
He vanished into some woods and did nt emerge until nightfall.
By nightfall, waves had swept over the ship, shattering the engine room skylights and flooding the machinery.
Spectators lolled on the bleachers, waiting for the heat to break at nightfall and the big show to begin.
The plan was to travel during nightfall to avoid being spotted by the enemy combatants and to avoid any congestion on the roads.
Given their known departure time and movements, had they not made the summit, it is unlikely that they would have still been out by nightfall.
From this time until nightfall, the regiment was only engaged in skirmishing after which the day's survivors quietly retired.
When the fleets finally disengaged at nightfall, both sides had suffered roughly equal losses.
From this came the phrases "cockshut time" or "light", referring to evening twilight, or nightfall, when woodcocks are likely to fly in the open.

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