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Übersetzungen für nightie im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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nightie [ˈnaɪtɪ, Am -t̬ɪ] SUBST ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She hastily grabbed clothes to put over her nightie and went outside to see a giant kowhai tree in their front yard uprooted.
He ordered me not to wear strappy tops any more, and to cover myself up in bed with a nightie.
The original owner of the nightie had experienced unfulfilled love, which ultimately led to a curse on it.
You hardly have the energy to put your nightie on, let alone take them off again!
The woman wore a crumpled nightie, her tobacco-stained teeth rivalling its faded orange-brown design.
Parents there must not do the school run in nighties, dressing gowns and bed-head hair.
They both saw the blue nightie lying in the straw next to the sheep.
It's the sort of place you'll find frozen-in-time little shops selling nighties and sewing machines.
We all love slobbing around the house in our nighties, and would wear them to work if we could.
I had an old daggy nightie on instead of a lovely nightie...

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