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Übersetzungen für patience im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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patience [ˈpeɪʃns] SUBST no Pl

2. patience Brit, Aus games:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The twisting and ropy vine-like weeds tangle through the crop, using up nutrients, water and farmers' patience at harvest time.
She is sarcastic, vindictive, has little patience and a bit of a temper, but cares very much for her friends.
Providence, however, holds more cheerful days for him to come, if he only keeps up his patience and fortitude.
He had no patience for gasbags and poseurs.
Patience is required, and it can be hard waiting for your troops to mount up while the enemy charges towards your defensive line.
With the lethargic movement too many of them affect, he shows no patience.
And a little haste was excusable, when such patience would still be required before anyone could find out.
She must love work, to preserve through all vicissitudes (for a woman who wishes to acquire such vast knowledge needs manly patience).
According to him, the house of representatives member-elect agelong loyalty and patience in the progressive fold has paid off for him and rewarded him.
She is an incredibly advanced computer that displays distinct emotions, self-awareness, a sense of humor, and - perhaps most notably - the ability to lose her patience.

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