Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für raised im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Russisch » Englisch)

I . raise [reɪz] SUBST Am, Aus

raise of wages, prices:

II . raise [reɪz] VERB trans

4. raise (promote):

8. raise (bring up, cultivate):

9. raise (end):

pay raise, pay rise SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The discovery has raised the issue of restricting some forms of fishery to protect the sea bed.
Its longitudinal ribs are separated by wider interspaces, crossed by revolving raised lines, forming granules.
In 1721, it raised money by conducting lotteries, the prizes including stock in the company and annuities secured on its estates.
Acorns has the largest retail chain among childrens hospices and in 2009-2010 they raised over 1,000,000.
The exit packages, which were inflated by the acceleration of stock option payments, quite rightly raised the ire of investors at the time.
The report says the pretax deduction, worth up to $245 per month, has raised transit commuting rates and cut greenhouse gas emissions.
She was raised by her eccentric father, and was home schooled.
The estimated cost of 25,000 for the scheme escalated to nearly 100,000, most of which was raised by mortgage.
This came as concerns were raised that the government would refuse to provide the remaining tranches of funding.
The curd is cooked at, and raised quickly to.

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