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Übersetzungen für scratch out im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

If he bats at 11 and can scratch out 10 runs initially then live with it.
Well, you might want to scratch out that last part.
It can bite and scratch out of fear when held by a human, but a firm grip will cause it to remain still.
It's hard for any show -- let alone one with an unorthodox concept -- to scratch out a new audience against that kind of competitor.
From there we scratch out what wasn't working and increase the focus on what was.
With their virtues they want to scratch out the eyes of their enemies; and they elevate themselves only that they may lower others.
Also, make sure to scratch out your personal information from empty pill bottles before throwing them out.
In effect, we no longer start the clock and then scratch out a strategy along the way.
They struggled to scratch out a living on a dry, rocky landscape, with disease and famine constant companions.
But what does it say about your self-esteem if you scratch out your meals on some random piece of paper?

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