Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für sensitize im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The purpose of this workshop is to sensitize the youth to the marine ecology.
It has been campaigning for sensitizing various sections of society on ecological issues.
The prints are made on paper with a thick gelatin layer that has been sensitized with dichromate salts.
Their sera (the liquid part of the blood when blood clots) was sensitized to the cells from donors - it was "alloreactive".
The work sensitizes for the circumstances of others, without trespassing on their intimacy or dignity.
It was sensitized with a catalyst that greatly increased the susceptibility of the dyes to fading.
Sympathetic nervous activation remains in the exhaustion phase and reactions to stress are markedly sensitized as fight-or-flight symptoms return.
A stainless steel is said to be sensitized if chromium carbides are formed in the microstructure.
Concrete programs of training and development are needed to sensitize and prepare library staff to identify poor peoples needs and deliver relevant services.
The cell is sensitized to function throughout the year towards generating placement opportunities for the students.

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