Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für shake off im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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shake off VERB trans

1. shake off (agitate to remove):

2. shake off (eliminate):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

While it refills itself over time, it can be used to shake off health-bar damage, thus healing the player, but draining the stamina quicker.
The culprit travels through a series of different destinations in an attempt to shake off any pursuers, so the user will have to continue tracking the thief for some time.
The goal of this renewal was to shake off the old, expensive image, as well as to freshen up the stores and private label products.
It is essential that 2.4 billion people gain access to modern forms of energy so that they can shake off the yoke of energy poverty.
Testy has arranged the marriage against his niece's will, and orders her to shake off her maiden peevishness and love her husband.
If a predator or perceived threat comes closer, a steenbok will leap away and follow a zigzag route to try to shake off the pursuer.
The stereotype of extreme violence that they have been unable to shake off?
Finally, unable to shake off the grief of separating from her husband, she turned into a lake, with the hope of flowing to her husband.
The leadership tried to shake off this reputation.
The player can also shake off enemies by using the touch screen, performing a melee attack.

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