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Übersetzungen für sound card im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The express version was sometimes bundled with hardware such as a sound card.
At the transmission end, a computer application transmits a digital audio stream via the local area network, using audio from the computer's sound card inputs or from stored audio recordings.
Sometimes sound card hardware and drivers do not support recording a source that is being played.
The latter two may change within a published recording, and their absolute values depend on the tape player, amplifier and sound card used to digitise the signal.
The format stores the notes and the instruments digitally in the file instead of relying on a sound card to reproduce the instruments.
Free and commercial software is available for this purpose; there are also online services that generate audio files for any desired waveforms, playable through a sound card.
Same can be done with such software using a computer's sound card, when coupled to the telephone line.
It also works as a speaker for desktops and can also act as a virtual sound card and speaker for desktops without a sound card.
The computer acts as a host for the sound card and software and provides processing power for audio editing.
The distinction is that softsynths run on a general purpose computer with a sound card, and the hardware (dedicated) synthesizers have the custom software built-in.

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