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I . stake [steɪk] SUBST

Beispielsätze für stakes

to play for high stakes

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is a stakes race for 4-year-old stallions and geldings.
Most of the walls are crammed with bookshelves, and most of its patrons spend the day in napping, reading, and low-stakes gambling.
Some kite stores sell stakes for kite anchoring (mooring).
With such high stakes, a joint loan account should be carefully considered.
This means that pulpwood thrown too far, not far enough, or not between the stakes is not counted.
Several strategies revolve around disguising one's intent to play the druid and other low-strength cards to unexpectedly run away with the stakes.
It is one of the five bocineros mountains of Biscay where general meetings are announced with stakes.
Al meets the hefty man's three friends at a poker room who then entice him to a high stakes poker game.
Those superstitious about the site spread reports of ill omens, including a claim that wolves had carried off the boundary stakes.
Worm charmers hammer wooden stakes into the ground, then rub them with metal slabs.

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