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Übersetzungen für sweetness im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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sweetness [ˈswi:tnɪs] SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The benga style - its rhythms - has a certain sweetness which comes from the bass and solo guitars.
The narrator describes a time in her youth when she lost her innocence, and compares her love to the sweetness of strawberry wine.
The viscosity and sweetness of the syrup depends on the extent to which the hydrolysis reaction has been carried out.
Sometimes winemakers will stop fermentation early in order to leave some residual sugars and sweetness in the wine such as with dessert wines.
The different proportions of sugars found in these foods determines the range of sweetness experienced when eating them.
He considered this analysis applicable to many different qualities such as hotness, whiteness, and sweetness.
After reaching their correct sweetness, the beans are milled into broken down bits; this is the foundation of the chocolate.
This provides a middle ground for those who want sweetness but not as much as the sweet tea being served.
An example of this is that one does not say that this heat is like color, or that this voice is like this sweetness.
Early hunter-gatherers observed that these fallen fruit took on an edible form, and valued them for their stability as well as their concentrated sweetness.

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