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Übersetzungen für target price im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The target price is $80 million (in 2007 year dollars), with development costs ranging from $2.5 to $3.0 billion.
The email at the center of the case, which had been sent to the analyst by the director of research, includes a suggestion that he finesse his target price.
When the target price is achieved, turn the dial and receive a prize.
Initially in 2008, $200 was mentioned as the target price-point.
Target price of the trainer was 25,000 and of the touring version was 29,000.
The target price is relevant for the contractually fixed surplus.
Moderately bullish options traders usually set a target price for the bull run and utilize bull spreads to reduce cost.
Understanding what the average amount that other people have paid for a car allows a car buyer to have a reasonable target price to obtain and can assist in negotiations.
Moderately bearish options traders usually set a target price for the expected decline and utilize bear spreads to reduce cost.
A target price was set, and export quotas allocated to each producer.

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