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Übersetzungen für tariff barrier im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Access to the single market over an average tariff barrier of around for per cent is already offset by a sterling devaluation of 10 per cent.
Tariff barriers to overseas trade are generally easy to see and their impacts are well understood.
Formerly a prominent exporter, tariff barriers and dollar shortages reduced its overseas markets.
So they could jump the tariff barrier by bringing in their cars as components and assembling them locally without adding very much value to them at all.
The government is also reducing tariff barriers with bilateral and multilateral agreements.
He said that we have to find ways to mitigate the adverse effects of tariff and non tariff barriers.
Yet our government seems to have a mistaken belief that adding a level of sophistication to an otherwise unconstitutional form of tariff barrier can transform it into a permissible one.
Many infant industries were developed in the 1930s behind a protective tariff barrier.
With a diversified global sales market, it was able to survive war, tariff barriers and the demise of colonialism.
Many countries have successfully industrialized behind tariff barriers.

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