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Übersetzungen für tortuous im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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tortuous [ˈtɔ:tjʊəs, Am ˈtɔ:rtʃuəs] ADJ a. übtr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It travels a distance of 12.8 kilometers, during which there are both peaceful and swift torrents and many tortuous river channels.
The larvae migrate in tortuous tunnels in between "stratum basale" and "stratum corneum" of the skin, causing serpigenous vesicular lesions.
His soundings were the only significant guide for the gunboat as it threaded its way through the tortuous channel.
Its association with a river comes from the way its stars trace a tortuous path.
He plans to get his revenge by administering a tortuous treatment.
Drugs crossing the skin by this route must pass through the small spaces between the cells of the skin, making the route more tortuous.
Otherwise, a long, tortuous synthesis involving many steps with attendant losses in yield may be required.
The mine starts as a long, tortuous, lower-surface (but sometimes upper-surface) epidermal, silvery corridor.
Its edge is denticulate, slightly tortuous above, and inserted in the center of the axis.
Boats can not safely pass due to the tortuous and narrow route, and there have been instances in the past of boats colliding and sinking.

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