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Übersetzungen für tortoiseshell im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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tortoiseshell [ˈtɔ:təsʃel, Am ˈtɔ:rt̬əs-] SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The tortoiseshell needs at least 20% of its body weight in lipids in order to survive, making them much slower.
An ideal show tortoiseshell cavy has regular, well-defined patches of each colour on each side, and appears to have lengthwise seams on its back and belly.
Most of the bows are silver mounted; gold mountings are much less frequent and gold and tortoiseshell very rare.
She is striped and dark, perhaps a dark tabby or tortoiseshell.
This is a plastic that is used to replace tortoiseshell since the trade of tortoiseshell was banned in the late 1970s.
The girls wear "tembleques" in their hair a gold and tortoiseshell comb with pearls in it.
Among the most attractive is the stag beetle, and, in the open areas, butterflies - swallowtail, admiral, small tortoiseshell, etc.
Good Friday steps carry their wallets in tortoiseshell.
The points can also be tabby, lynx or tortoiseshell-patterned.
Other alternatives had come and gone, but tortoiseshell provided the best combination of tonal sound and physical flexibility for plucking a taut string.

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