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Übersetzungen für transference im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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transference [ˈtrænsfərəns, Am trænsˈfɜ:r-] SUBST no Pl form

transference (act of changing)
transference (act of changing)
transference of power
transference PSYCHO

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are also included in the transference of the crown, at the collection of donations, during the procession, the rituals and the distribution of offerings.
Among the specific techniques used were paradoxes, humorous or historical examples, analysis of the self-protective role of symptoms, and reduction of transference by encouraging self-responsibility.
Insects possess a special transference organ that allow them to transfer their essence into a suitable host.
This material is considered a mixed ionic electronic conductor with transference number close to 1.
This transference of energy to the stock would thus cause resonance which results in prolongation of vibrations by reflection.
Background knowledge, and definitions, of domain types must be understood before one can fully understand the laws of transference in this context.
Misreading neutral faces is clearly related to transference mis-readings that occur in psychotherapy and the creation of bad object experiences linked with projective identification.
Using the prototype size transference device, the miniaturized creatures are returned to their normal size.
It brought with it a terrible force of transference.
The transference is usually a narcissistic one in which feelings and patterns of defense from the first years of life are revived.

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