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Übersetzungen für transference im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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trans·fer·ence [ˈtræn(t)sfərən(t)s, træn(t)sˈfɜ:rən(t)s] SUBST no Pl

1. transference (act of changing):

prenos m

2. transference PSYCHO:

transference of emotions
prenos m

3. transference of property, stocks, money:

prepis m

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The transference is usually a narcissistic one in which feelings and patterns of defense from the first years of life are revived.
To him, it was important that there was a transference direct from the artist to the paper.
The guitar is fitted with a single bridge pickup to allow for an extra strong neck joint which allows extra transference between neck and body.
It brought with it a terrible force of transference.
The ability of these dogs to do so is a transference of the canine pack social structure on to a flock.
This material is considered a mixed ionic electronic conductor with transference number close to 1.
Insects possess a special transference organ that allow them to transfer their essence into a suitable host.
This digitization of mental information allows both the transference of one's mind to someone else's body, and the theft and alteration of other people's memories.
The distorted perceptions of self, others, and associated affects are the focus of treatment as they emerge in the relationship with the therapist (transference).
There are two ways to practice the transference of consciousness: with a support and without a support.

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