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Übersetzungen für under age im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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underage, under age [ˌʌndərˈeɪdʒ, Am -dɚˈ-] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She is also a talented handballer with many county and national titles at underage.
Investigators also frequently browse online classified ads to identify potential underage girls who are trafficked.
Mostly, the main focus is on teenage pregnancy and underage drinking.
With the others, he was also charged with unlawfully providing alcohol to three underage girls who claimed to be college students.
Overall, half of all underage sunbed users, including those using supervised salons and home equipment, say they have been burnt at some point.
He has enjoyed much success at underage levels, beginning in the mid-1990s when he won a North Tipperary under-14 hurling medal.
They figured out we were underage, and they wouldn't let us play.
He was officially 26 years old, but was possibly underage at the time.
After coming to prominence at juvenile and underage levels he joined the club's senior team while he was still a minor.
The weight is 56 lbs at senior level, and 35 lbs in underage level.

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