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Übersetzungen für underbelly im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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underbelly [ˈʌndəˌbeli, Am -dɚ-] SUBST

1. underbelly (abdomen):


2. underbelly (vulnerable area):

the soft underbelly of the system

Beispielsätze für underbelly

the soft underbelly of the system

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Most predators associate bright colors with poison (called aposematism), so if attacked, the newt will take up a defensive position, showing off the bright underbelly.
The plumage is black and white on the back with white on the underbelly.
He is shown to be somewhat cowardly, wishing to fly the white colors of his underbelly when the pirate ship was destroyed.
It has been described as 100 feet long, with a square head and slender, some say dolphin-like body, brown on top with a white underbelly.
Its coat is either grey-brown or grey, with a white underbelly and white markings on its face.
This book scuttles that illusion and deftly exposes its soft underbelly.
Since the rear bunker carried only coal, an additional large underbelly water tank under the boiler compensated for the resulting diminished water capacity.
Its color pattern is unique for the regional habitat: a white underbelly, black head, and dark back.
Each figure was branded with a distinctive stamp on its underbelly or leg to indicate authenticity.
Like its previous evolutions, its underbelly is a tan color, and it has black markings around its eyes.

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