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Übersetzungen für underbelly im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈunder·bel·ly SUBST

1. underbelly ZOOL:

Bauch m <-(e)s, Bäuche>

2. underbelly no pl liter (most vulnerable point):

Schwachstelle f <-, -n>
the sordid underbelly of modern society abw

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

the sordid underbelly of modern society abw

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The coat tends to be a pale tan color with a white underbelly.
The underbelly is pale and is mottled with brown and white, but it may also be plain, with no other coloration.
Like its previous evolutions, its underbelly is a tan color, and it has black markings around its eyes.
While living, this creature has a solid brown dorsum, and its concealed limbs and underbelly are blue with black spots.
The plumage is black and white on the back with white on the underbelly.
He is shown to be somewhat cowardly, wishing to fly the white colors of his underbelly when the pirate ship was destroyed.
These tones are especially bright on the back, while the flanks and underbelly are paler.
Since the rear bunker carried only coal, an additional large underbelly water tank under the boiler compensated for the resulting diminished water capacity.
It has many white linear dorsal spots, as well as a white underbelly.
This was the underbelly of why everything had gone wrong in her life, and so these scenes were always going to be really, really important.

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