Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für unify im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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unify [ˈju:nɪfaɪ, Am -nə-] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Additionally, one can not look at the epic as a single, unified form of inspiration for long poems.
Students are able to take classes at any of the four campuses, while being part of one unified writing program.
The affected families then began a movement towards unifying the existing elementary and middle schools into a separate district.
This supports systematic intervention practices that exploit, rather than trying to unify, the plurality of theories and methods that reflect different value-conditioned perspectives.
In addition, human culture itself is becoming more unified as a result of globalization.
In 1559 both villages were expressly unified as a single community by the decree of the local ruler after fighting between the residents.
The music has been described as brilliant, optimistic closely unified thematic improvisations.
In the first field is unified with the hydrodynamic field and the second is the unification of the electromagnetic field, as the hydrodynamic and gravitational.
The formerly unified written culture fell apart into local schools and the old dialects now also increased in importance as written languages.
We are unified, instead, in our freedom and love of art.

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