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Übersetzungen für unimaginative im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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unimaginative [ˌʌnɪˈmæʤɪnətɪv, Am -t̬ɪv] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Only the most unimaginative manufacturer would be unable to demonstrate that an image-duplicating product is capable of substantial noninfringing uses.
The topics of his paintings may have been unimaginative and common during the time period; however, it was his ingenious technique that made him such a renowned painter.
It plays as an unimaginative newspaper melodrama that takes jabs at the middle-class and how neurotic and fearful they are about romance.
The cars engineeringold-fashioned and unimaginative in the extremedoes not match the perky design, which the magazine declared most attractive to look at and pleasant to sit in.
However, he was also unimaginative, stolid, legalistic and found it very difficult to get on terms with people outside his immediate circle.
Her character is rather stolid and unimaginative.
The townsfolk in the story are hard-working and diligent, but joyless and unimaginative.
Its catalogues were badly designed and unimaginative though this situation greatly improved later in the decade.
It has proved unpopular with drivers and fans for its unimaginative layout and lack of suitable overtaking places, leading to mundane races.
In the first movement her playing was rather cold and uninspired with an unimaginative performance by the orchestra.

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