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Übersetzungen für way-out im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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way-out ADJ ugs

way out SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A perceived injustice, followed by a fury and a lethal, way-out-of-balance reaction.
But out of that churn comes way-out-of-the-ordinary restaurants.
That is an option and may be the easy way-out of this very complex situation.
Now, let's wait for this youthful team (average age below 21) to soon come up with a relevant, funky, and way-out production.
The result is a pleasing hodge-podge that travels the electronic train through the sounds of techno, drum and bass and way-out electronica.
Jones, in those days, was captured by way-out theories.
They barge in with way-out views that are set in concrete and manipulate the conversation to the extent that it's just too tiresome to even begin dialogue with them.
By playing into the amplifiers the sound is fed back with a way-out note.
Give people the right to their way-out, outdated, foolish views.
Carol was very good as a child, but she was a rebel sometimes, wanting to wear very short skirts and way-out clothes.

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