Englisch » Russisch

I . far <farther, farthest [or further, furthest]> [fɑ:ɐ, Am fɑ:r] ADV

Far East SUBST

far-fetched [ˌfɑ:ˈfetʃt, Am ˌfɑ:r-] ADJ

far-flung [ˌfɑ:ˈflʌŋ, Am ˌfɑ:r-] ADJ liter

2. far-flung (remote):

far-sighted [ˌfɑ:ˈsaɪtɪd, Am ˌfɑ:rˈsaɪt̬ɪd] ADJ Brit, Aus

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Membership has declined to its current level of 800,000, but it is still by far the largest of the trade union centers in the country.
So far, however, the delicate plants grow unmolested in scraggly patches much like weeds.
But one must, even to avoid mortal sins, seek as far as possible to overcome venial sin.
They are tightly and economically composed and in terms of color, which he deploys judiciously, absolutely spot-on technique as far as nature is concerned.
This means that pulpwood thrown too far, not far enough, or not between the stakes is not counted.
My father always thought the plays were too far-fetched.
Scientific research has found that gripping strength is far greater using a horizontal bar than a vertical bar in a fall situation.
Far from being contrite they seemed to take a pride in being untouchable.
These viruses are about one micrometer in diameter making them one of the largest viruses discovered so far.
There's too much faulty wiring in this low-caliber actioner and any emotional payoff comes far too late.

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