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Übersetzungen für akimbo im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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akim·bo [əˈkɪmbəʊ] ADJ

[with] arms akimbo

Beispielsätze für akimbo

[with] arms akimbo

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The eagle at eight produced an eternal champagne moment, the full, arms akimbo salute in the middle of the fairway.
Akimbo would purchase the rights to provide content from content providers, then allow the content providers to set the cost of their content.
She surveys the showroom, still cluttered with shoes all akimbo everywhere and more than a few women who want to buy.
Even something as untamed and elemental as water can be flung akimbo by rolling shutters, as seen in the video below.
Akimbo has had eleven guitarists over the course of its existence.
Westerners may unconsciously stand arms akimbo (hands on hips) because they are thinking or because they simply want to rest their arms.
Sand castles on the beach, the boys brown, with red pails and shovels, arms akimbo.
There was also a half-upholstered sofa akimbo on the first floor, oddly free of any visible fire or smoke damage.
The artist showed men and women in tenements and streets, gossiping, with arms akimbo, that his comic approach exaggerated.
The character walks with his arms akimbo because he is angry and upset.

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