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Übersetzungen für alacrity im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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alac·rity [əˈlækrəti] SUBST no Pl

alacrity (speed)
urnost f
alacrity (eagerness)
with alacrity (speedily)
with alacrity (eagerly)

Beispielsätze für alacrity

with alacrity (speedily)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

My reply was instantly to order some soldiers who were near me to fire back; which they did with great alacrity.
This theatre of an hour had great success and "zarzuela" composers took to the new formula with alacrity.
In the 1780s he acquired new positions with increased alacrity.
He turned on me with incredible alacrity and violence.
Part of it was his style -- all day, he moved the puck with alacrity, often as soon as he touched it.
They weave their stories with such refreshing alacrity that reflect the simplicity embodied in their unification process.
It may well be conceived that the spirit which animated his troops was not one of alacrity or of attachment to his person.
Something about that tactic seems to egg us into reacting with similar alacrity.
The inland provinces not only paid their share, but even did this with alacrity.
She enters loaded with shopping bags, and appears to have a limited attention span as her topics of conversation change with alacrity.

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