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Übersetzungen für arriviste im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ar·ri·viste [ˌæri:ˈvi:st] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The best way to describe this emergent city is as an arriviste city.
He was described by his contemporaries as a very fat, extremely boring, overwhelmingly ambitious arriviste.
Mushrooms' habit of appearing overnight made them a common metaphor for anything unpleasant that appeared suddenly, from arriviste courtiers to religious heresies.
An arriviste city is a city that has broken out of its old mold and is becoming something new.
She is, after all, only a superficial, self-deluded arriviste.
Allow their genuine brewing abilities and brewing history to be mocked by latter-day arrivistes often with no real authenticity but with a sharp eye to the main chance?
Most buildings' basements were flooded, and the arriviste businesses and longtime residents found one another at a kind of block-party-meets-wake cleanup.
It is not a peerage and, among real aristocrats, such titles are the objects of derision, obtained as they so often are by arrivistes of the worst possible kind.
We see yesterday's arrivistes who are now the vanguard and others who are already all too acquainted with the cruel diminishing returns of fame.
She was having none of it, determined as she was to squash my arriviste pretensions.

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