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Übersetzungen für cold start im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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cold ˈstart SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

During a cold start and warm up, before lambda correction is activated, coolant temperature dependable fuel enrichment occurs.
The company is the leading manufacturer of diesel cold start systems with an estimated worldwide market share of 40% for glow plugs.
Despite a cold start to their marriage, the two eventually reconciled, and fell in love.
Low-voltage (hundreds volts) rectifiers use saturated mercury vapor in combination with a small amount of inert gas, allowing cold start of the tubes.
The heater kept the temperature high in the boiler, allowing it to get a head of steam, and in turn water into the hoses, quicker than a cold start.
We averaged about 44mpg from a cold start.
It produced steam almost instantly without an open flame, and took 30 seconds to reach maximum power from a cold start.
In recommender systems, the cold start problem is often reduced by adopting a hybrid approach between content-based matching and collaborative filtering.
Heater failure most often happens due to the mechanical stress of a cold start.
Once he got going after a cold start at the first two meetings, there was tremendous applause every time he spoke.

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