Englisch » Slowenisch

crea·tion [kriˈeɪʃən] SUBST

2. creation MODE:

creation (product)
creation (product)
creation (of arts also)

3. creation no Pl REL:

the creation

ˈjob crea·tion SUBST no Pl

ˈwealth crea·tion SUBST, ˈwealth gen·era·tion SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Now, many decades later, we see the possibility of his creations becoming real in the world of books, television and movies.
A human soul may occasionally be exiled into lower inanimate, vegetative or animal creations.
They begin in the mentality of the masses, rather than creations of influential individuals of a time period.
These creations are not part of one's nature, but rather stem from a departure from nature.

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