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Übersetzungen für database im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈdata·base SUBST


Beispielsätze für database

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As of 2008, over 30 staff and 60 volunteers keep the library running, managing 170,000 volumes, 115 online databases, and over 50,000 online books.
Note that often a database will store these files multiple times, for extra security in case of disk failure.
No comprehensive, reliable database of chromium content of food currently exists.
Typical uses are scheduling file transfers, database updates, report generation, compilations and backups.
One of the efficiency requirements of a database is that there be no data duplication.
The vaccine information in the database is collected by manual curation from over 1,600 peer-reviewed papers.
The firm then checks public and private databases for a match and prompts the user to answer questions based on the records.
Data could be moved from database to database simply by cutting a card out of one stack and pasting it into another.
As the service grew to have a worldwide userbase, it needed to keep its database up-to-date, which it does by having relationships with labels globally.
In support of this research, databases of medical and aircraft accident data are maintained.

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