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Übersetzungen für interrogate im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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in·ter·ro·gate [ɪnˈterəgeɪt] VERB trans

1. interrogate (cross-question):


2. interrogate (obtain data):

to interrogate a computer database

Beispielsätze für interrogate

to interrogate a computer database

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Her uncanny objects interrogate the production of desire and the exchange of meaning in an image-based society.
Subject, a work for string quartet, uses special concert lighting to recreate the conditions used to interrogate military detainees.
When they are arrested by officers and almost deported, they interrogate them on who hired them.
Playboy has his henchmen interrogate people on the streets and in their houses, seeking information leading to the police officers.
These systems interrogate the impedance of a split or dual-pad return electrode and will alarm out, disabling further generator output in case of fault.
As he starts to leave his flat police come and interrogate him and asks him that he has complained about a missing car.
Ring-down as a method to interrogate acoustic resonators was established in 1954.
Scanning probe microscopy, including atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy, is used as primary instrumentation to image/interrogate surfaces with novel and unexpected properties.
To keep up the appearance of an inquiry, commissaries were appointed to interrogate him.
In issue 29, she manages to break an opponent's neck, yet leaves her conscious so that she may interrogate her.

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