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Übersetzungen für deserve im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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de·serve [dɪˈzɜ:v] VERB trans (merit)

what have I done to deserve [all] this?

Beispielsätze für deserve

what have I done to deserve [all] this?

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She feels very guilty about running away and thus feels that she deserves her loneliness.
She tells him that she had thought she was going to die and that she would have deserved it.
Thus, this variety probably truly deserved species status.
Further development of methods that might possibly help monitor and regulate dosage administration and scheduling is an area that deserves attention.
Teachers can give projects a final grade but also need to determine what grade each individual in the group deserves.
Indeed, he is a great man; he is the man who deserves to have the epithet applied to him.
She survives, and interprets her survival as a sign that she deserves to recover her life.
Sam, amused, admits that he was one who had suffered injuries in his life and yet survived, believing, that everyone deserves pain to be innocent.
It deserved a fair go, and it didn't get it.
He was magnificent and thoroughly deserved to be man of the match.

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