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Übersetzungen für drystone im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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dry·stone ˈwall SUBST Brit

drystone wall

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The main habitat is rough heath-grassland, with scrub, drystone walls and 600-700 million year old rock outcrops.
The pines' long needles trembled in the gentle wind, scenting the air, and we picked fresh figs as we walked between ancient drystone walls.
It was also "massively fortified" with 5m (16.4ft) thick drystone walls.
The surviving drystone walls rise to about three metres (10 ft) and are more than four metres (13 ft) thick in some places.
Our first base was one of the older houses in the area, its drystone walls smoothed and whitewashed, its timbers and decorative carvings painted sky-blue.
The castle comprises a scarp and ditch forming a raised platform and on the north face is a ruined drystone building.
These are islands of high, labyrinthine drystone walls elaborately constructed to provide small parcels of land that shelter stock and crop.
But the real adventure starts when you trek up into the surrounding hillside, where site-specific artworks are dotted under the oak trees and among the drystone walls.
The drystone work supporting some of its picturesque hairpin bends is particularly noteworthy.
Piers's arms began to shake as he took the corner far too fast, his back wheel rattled as it clipped the drystone wall, and he rolled straight over his handlebars.

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