Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für duct im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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duct [dʌkt] SUBST

1. duct (pipe):

kanal m
air duct

2. duct ANAT:

ear duct
tear duct

ven·ti·ˈla·tion duct SUBST

Beispielsätze für duct

bile duct
air duct
ear duct
tear duct

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A duct like process is present from the ventral surface to the urogenital opening.
There are two lymph ducts in the body -- the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct.
Another recent phosphoproteomic study included large-scale identification and quantification of phosphorylation events triggered by the anti-diuretic hormone vasopressin in kidney collecting duct.
In 1971, during plumbing duct installation, a worker found a human skull.
All ventilation ducts are insulated and sealed against leakage.
On descent, internal trunking allows air to be driven in from the propeller ducts, and / or electric fans, and thus avoid collapse of the envelope.
If pumping, it is helpful to have an electric high-grade pump so that all of the milk ducts are stimulated.
They then built two twin-shelled exhaust pipes which included air cooling ducts.
There is a single tapering posterior extension and a duct like process which runs from the ventral surface to the urogenital opening.
They also have mouths with pollen ducts that can excrete streams of high-pressure, foul-smelling liquids that vary from a flammable toxin to an immobilizing jelly.

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