Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für durability im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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du·rabil·ity [ˌdjʊərəˈbɪləti] SUBST no Pl

1. durability (endurance):


2. durability:

durability of a product
durability of a machine

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The main cabin is constructed of duralumin, riveted and corrugated, increasing the strength and durability of the low-mass semi-monocoque fuselage.
Among the reasons for this were the instrument's cheapness and durability, and could be played solo, and was easier to learn.
Anodized aluminum frames can not be re-anodized in place, but can be cleaned and protected by proprietary clear coatings to improve appearance and durability.
Wooden tent pegs are now not common, with higher strength to weight ratio, and high durability, materials being used instead.
The immediacy and durability of these media suited illustration's demands well.
Hardboard facing is applied to the furniture's flat surfaces to add to the durability of the designs.
These chains are legendary for their durability and defensive nature.
Making the pages out of a hard material provides for durability to take on whatever it will undoubtedly be put through with the young readers!
The exterior redwood siding was painted in three coats of white lead and linseed oil; two of those coats were covered in clean white sand to provide texture and durability.
Her abilities are sonic scream, superhuman strength, stamina and durability.

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