Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für early im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . ear·ly <-ier, -iest [or more early, most early]> [ˈɜ:li] ADJ

5. early (first):

the early Christians

II . ear·ly <-ier, -iest [or more early, most early]> [ˈɜ:li] ADV

1. early (in the day):


3. early (of a period):

early next week

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The Cornish frame drum crowdy-crawn, which was also used for harvesting grain, was known as early as 1880.
Eggs hatch in early spring and the galls quickly form around the developing insects.
He began to develop a key interest in films studies while taking his theology courses in the early 1960s.
These early years of the event led to a citizens initiative to provide free board and lodging for participators which is still active.
Cancer of the esophagus is often detected late inasmuch as there are typically no early symptoms.
Early settlers to the area started homesteads in the timberline, which provided building materials and fuel.
She spent much of her childhood with her maternal grandfather who owned a large country estate and was from an early age a nature and animal lover.
He was an early adopter of starting blocks rather than digging footholds in the cinder tracks.
The model and businesswoman said she had to have an emergency caesarean operation as his heart rate had slipped and doctors decided to deliver him, eight weeks early.
She took a break for maternity leave in late 2004, returning in early 2005.

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