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Übersetzungen für enterprising im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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en·ter·pris·ing [ˈentəpraɪzɪŋ] ADJ

enterprising (adventurous)
enterprising (ingenious)
enterprising businessman
enterprising idea

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Political zeal was to be the motive force, and to put politics in command enterprising party branches took over the direction of many factories.
A few enterprising people started printing small newspapers from salvaged presses and little capital.
He was enterprising and interested in business, and was praised as being an extraordinarily first-rate man.
His enterprising spirit became crucial for the further development of the area.
He conceives each poem as an essay of existential discovery, an enterprising foray into the discursive wilderness.
But there was no budget provided for filming as the competition relied on teams using their enterprising skills.
An enterprising logger could purchase a stand of promising forest, erect his own mill, cut and process the logs and float them down the river.
The consolidation of large, privately owned holdings, encouraged the improvement of productivity through experimentation by enterprising landowners.
One story says the enterprising post-war generation created the egg-shaped mold to make up for an eggless batter, as eggs used to be a luxury.
Meanwhile, enterprising criminals would steal bus transfers from bus drivers and sell the transfers on the street for 50 cents.

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