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Übersetzungen für favours im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . fa·vour [ˈfeɪvəʳ] SUBST

4. favour (present):

favour Am
do me a favour! Brit ugs
ah, nehaj no!

II . fa·vour [ˈfeɪvəʳ] VERB trans

1. favour (prefer):

2. favour (approve):

3. favour (benefit):

4. favour (be partial):

favour SPORT

Beispielsätze für favours

I'm not asking for favours
to not do sb/oneself any favours

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The hydrophobic nature of the pocket favours aromatic and apolar substrates over highly polar ones.
Agitation overpowers one strong in energy and weak in concentration, since energy favours agitation.
He was the most visible athlete in the world, constantly hounded for autographs and favours, but he still had the common touch.
The former generally favours the status quo, the latter favours republicanism.
They're the plantable gifts that keep on growing - wedding invitations, greeting cards, place card holders, party favours and confetti.
The fickle goddess treated her passing lovers cruelly, and the unhappy wretches usually paid dearly for the favours heaped on them.
Other poets at the same venues vied with him for the favours of patrons.
It is fast growing and favours shady habitats such as the forest understory, neglected urban areas, and fence rows.
Idleness overpowers one strong in concentration and weak in energy, since concentration favours idleness.
The species tends to be seen more frequently on sandy soils and favours bare ground, e.g. at the sides of paths.

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